Where to Get Safety Glasses for Solar Eclipse in Montana
The big solar eclipse is only days away. For the first time in almost 100 years, a complete solar eclipse is going to pass coast to coast in the U.S. We here in Big Sky Country got front row seats. That means tons of people are going to be staring at the sun, which is not the smartest thing to do. If you really want to get a good view of the eclipse, without burning your retinas, the following is a list of reputable eclipse safety glass dealers.
According to the American Astronomical Society, the following are brands that are sure to keep your eyes on the sky.
- American Paper Optics
- APM Telescopes Sunfilter Glasses
- Baader Planetarium -AstroSolar Silver/Gold film only --
(NOT AstroSolar Safety Film and AstroSolar Photo Film) - Celestron EclipSmart Glasses & Viewers
- DayStar Solar Glasses
- Explore Scientific Solar Eclipse Sun Catcher Glasses
- Lunt Solar Systems SUNsafe SUNglasses
- Meade Instruments EclipseView Glasses & Viewers
- Rainbow Symphony
- Thousand Oaks Optical
- TSE 17
For us in Montana, we are slightly outside of the path of the eclipse. That means the sun will not be completely covered by the moon, but will be about 97%. So, for anyone wanting to view the eclipse safely, it is smart to get your glasses ordered now.
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