Yellowstone National Park Will Open, But Montana Gates Will Stay Closed
On Monday Yellowstone National Park will open, but with one big drawback: the Montana gates of West Yellowstone, Gardiner and Cooke City will remain closed per Governor Bullock’s orders. As of now, there is no date planned for their openings.
Wyoming’s Governor, Mark Gordon, wishes to open the park immediately, but because of Governor Bullock’s resistance, the decision has been made to only open the Cody and Jackson, Wyoming gates.
Montana Gubernatorial Candidate Dr. Al Olszewski is calling on Governor Bullock to open the gates to Yellowstone here in Montana, as the state is already full of out-of-state visitors.
“As I traveled the state for the past month, our state is already filled with people from out of state,” Olszewski said. “All you have to do is drive down the interstate and you see vehicles from all over. In Kalispell, our campgrounds are filled with RVs and campers from California, Washington, Oregon, and from the east coast. I had dinner in Kalispell the other night and three young men from New York City were travelling the country on their ‘Trump cash’.”
Dr. Olszewski notes that much of Montana’s economy depends on travel and tourism.
“Our state has already been open for over three weeks,” Olszewski said. “Right now, our daily case count is extremely low. Let’s follow the science and let’s continue to open up our state. Be vigilant, but still be courageous because our faith depends on our economy coming back and it is already gravely hurt.”
Referencing Bullock’s press conference on Wednesday in which he touted Montana’s full income tax coffers, Olszewski urged the governor to spend wisely.
“The governor needs to decide,” Olszewski said. “He can spend money like nothing has happened and continue to run our government with essential and non-essential services, or join in our shared sacrifice and pull back on non-essential services, reduce the hours of people who do non-essential work. He needs to do something so he doesn’t go through the burn rate of that cash so we have it in 2021.”
Olszewski is one of three Republicans running for the gubernatorial nomination in the June 2nd primary.
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