You Captioned this Photo, Hilarity Ensued
On Sunday afternoon, we arrived at a BBQ to find a friend cleaning out her backseat, and we proceeded to step over a mess covered hoodie that was next to her rig. I noticed that it was a Broncos sweatshirt, and knowing how passionate you are about your own favorite team, I thought you'd like to see it. So we asked you for captions, and you did not disappoint.
Within 12 minutes, this meme was going around. (Thanks Cliff Stacy)
Some of our favorite captions include:
Ran outta toilet paper.... Found the next best thing
Even hobos prefer to be cold
That's one of the nicest Broncos shirts I've ever seen.
Looks like the Broncos just played my Giants in the Super Bowl. Is Elway under there somewhere?
What’s that shit on that blue hoody? I see puke but what’s the other shit?
No words are needed, says it all in the picture.
There are dozens of responses, if you need to get in on this roast, or defend your team, here's the original post.
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