SPOILER ALERT: With the final season of Sons of Anarchy airing on FX, we are seeing a war beginning to form between the Chinese, Samcro, The Niners and the Mayans. I get the feeling it is going to be a bloodbath before the end of the series. Meanwhile, in REAL LIFE, an actual biker gang out of the Netherlands has joined forces with the Kurds to fight a REAL war and take on ISIS.

According to Funker530.com

At least three members of the No Surrender motorcycle club have joined the Kurds in the battle against ISIS in northern Iraq.
According to a Dutch prosecutor spokesman Wim de Bruin, “Joining a foreign armed force was previously punishable, now it’s no longer forbidden (so long as they’re not fighting against the Netherlands).“
It’s unclear as to whether these guys have any formal military or law enforcement training, but I can’t knock somebody for putting himself in harm’s way for a cause that, they feel, would make the world a better place. I especially like seeing bikers that are demonstrating badassery rather than the all-too-common posers playing dress-up like the president of the Nickleback fan club and acting tough while having never done anything in their lives that would constitute badassery, yet, taking out a loan on a two-wheeled vehicle and getting tattoos somehow makes them Satan’s gift to badassery. Don’t be that guy.




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