Bacon Hot Dogs, MMMM… Thanks Oscar Mayer
Anyone who is in their 30s grew up with a bologna that had a first and a last name. Yes, Oscar Mayer taught all of America’s youth that the only way to spell bologna was O-S-C-A-R and M-A-Y-E-R.
But, Oscar Mayer was not just king of bologna. No they were also known for the great Weiner Mobile. What child, or even adult, could resist a giant hot dog on wheels?
If Oscar Mayer’s previous attempts to win the hearts of Americans weren’t enough of a success, than this next attempt will surely win over anyone who previously was holding out. You see, Oscar Mayer has taken their famous hot dogs and kicked them up a notch.
Oscar Mayer’s newest hot dogs are pumped full of bacon. Yes, America’s favorite game-day food has just had a makeover. Now, not only can you enjoy a hotdog and a beer at your favorite ballgame, but you can enjoy that hot dog chock full of bacon with your beer.
Really, could sports or food get any better? I think not.
Or how about backyard barbecues? Who doesn’t love a nice meaty hot dog at a friendly barbecue? Bam, that barbecue just got awesome thanks to your bacon dogs. This could be one of the few times where the adults are eating the hot dogs, and the kids are eating the burgers.
How much more convenient could Oscar Mayer make it for you? Who has time, or wants to take the time to cook bacon and then chop it up just to sprinkle it on their hot dogs? Nobody. That is why you buy hot dogs in the first place, because you want something quick and easy to make to eat.
So, to Oscar Mayer I say this. Thank you. Why did this take so long? And genius!
Joy Larson is a mother of four boys, graduate of the University of Montana, animal lover and writer.
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