Cops Tase Pokemon Go-Playing Loony, Mom Vows to Sue Everyone
Maybe the game oughta be called Pokemon Go to Jail.
Police in Tampa tasered a man who resisted arrest last week after officers showed up at a park to tell people on hand playing Pokemon Go to leave. Everyone except David Mastrototaro did just that and he wound up becoming Stungunchu for his refusal.
Yeah, people are completely losing their priorities while playing this game, while only some seem to realize it.
About 100 people were in the park hunting characters when cops got a call about the crowd. Officers showed up and told everyone to leave, but Mastrototaro would not cooperate and balked at repeated calls to get on the ground. Next thing he knows, they've tased him and hauled him off to jail.
Mastrototaro's mom can't believe how the police treated her little ball of sunshine. “This is all over Pokemon. I’m gonna sue Pokemon for this and I’m gonna sue Tampa Police,” she said.
Good luck with that one, lady.