Did ‘King of the Hill’ Predict Montana’s Future 20 Years Ago?
Do you believe in magic crystal balls, and their ability to give you a glimpse into the future? My guess is the reason people were looking into crystal balls was that they hadn't invented a television yet. Our TVs have been giving us a glimpse into the future for nearly 100 years now.
"The Simpsons" has made many accurate predictions.
The titleholder of the longest-running television show has been on the air for 33 years. The Simpsons first made their appearance in 1989, and the show is still going today. Over the course of the last 33 years, The Simpsons have made some shockingly accurate predictions. Some call it coincidence, but the predictions are so spot-on they seem unmistakable.
Some of the best Simpsons predictions include:
- Donald Trump becoming President
- Patriots- Falcons Super Bowl
- The invention of the iPhone
- Faulty voting machines
That's just to name a few.
It turns out another popular Fox animation series is good a predicting the future.
During the season 9 premiere of "King of the Hill," on November 7th 2004, the show accurately predicted some issues Montana is facing today. Issues like Hollywood elitists buying property in Montana and cutting off access to public land.
A brief synopsis of the episode:
Peggy Hill is originally from Montana. Hank, Peggy, and Bobby make the trip from Texas to Montana to visit Peggy's family. Peggy's mother owns a ranch, but the ranch is struggling. The reason why they are going broke is that Henry "The Fonz" Winkler bought a neighboring ranch and blocked access to public land. There fore blocking Peggy's ranch from moving their cattle to public grazing grounds. Meanwhile, the influx of "Hollywood types" has driven up property values and even the cost of goods in small Montana towns. Making it even harder for Montanans to be able to afford to live in the state.
See it for yourself and watch "A Rover Runs Through It."
Henry Winkler is a BIG fan of fly fishing by the way. And he does own property near Hebgen lake. Just recently he got ridiculed on social media for posting photos of him catching trout. Animals rights activists attempted to "cancel" him for his treatment of fish. You can read the full story here.
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