Help UM Fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon’s Run to Bozeman
They have been carrying on this tradition for 30 years now, and this year all donations are going to help the YWCA of Missoula. The Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity will run 218 miles to Bozeman this week, sacrificing their time, safety, and strength to support the Missoula YWCA. YWCA helps women in need, provides 24 sexual assault services, leadership programs for young women, emergency housing services, and options for survivors of somestic and sexual violence. All this, and the YWCA seeks to spark a dialogue around the issue of racism with their Racial Justice Iniative.
The YWCA does so much for this community. In their time of need this holiday system, the men of SigEp ask that you help us out. Raise awareness. Post this link on your social media pages, even if you can't afford to donate. If you can, even $1 shows you've taken then time to fight this battle. For that, we're forever thankful.
This week marks the start of something beautiful. They'll be trekking 218 miles for 3 days straight. They have already raised $1,170 for the cause! Watch for our runners, wherever they may be. Support them, cheer them on. You can support us financially by giving us $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $75, or even $218, one for each mile! Every dollar counts, because every dollar means someone took their sweet and precious time to support EMPOWERING WOMEN and ELIMINATING RACISM!
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