Lonely and Broke Bozeman Man Searches For Live In Girlfriend
Bozeman is one of the hottest real estate markets in Montana, it also has one of the highest costs for rental properties in the Big Sky. So what is a single guy looking for love supposed to do? There comes a time when you just cannot deal with traditional roommates. So why not reach out via Craigslist for a "Live-In Girlfriend?"
Posted Jan 3rd 2018 via Bozeman Craigslist
I'm willing to split the bills with you, and wake up to you every morning for one year, in order to save money and come up in life. If we decide to stay together after a year , then maybe it was meant to be. But for now, willing to compromise, by giving you a place to stay, and a chance to save money also by bringing you in. The place is nice, and close to town. No pets please.
We want to commend this brave man for stepping up his relationship goals for 2018. We wish him the best of luck in his search. We have learned that crazy girlfriends are the best. They might love you or they might stab you in your sleep. It is such an exciting relationship. God Speed Sir!
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