Maulers Need Your Help!
Not to toot my own horn, but I was awesome last night! Two Glacier Hockey League players were chosen to compete for Wayne Static tickets during last night's Mauler's game against the Billings Bulls. I found out a couple days ago that I actually knew the players from playing in the Glacier Ice Rink's pickup games throughout the last few years. This made it fun for me! Danny Lynn and Steve Chancellor were each allowed five shots on net shoot out style (Shoot out= player starts at the face off circle and goes one-0n-one with the goalie). Out of the 10 shots, only one made it in. Danny Lynn scored not only a goal, but also two tickets to see Wayne Static this Tuesday. Congrats man!
All fun aside, the Maulers got into some "trouble" last night and they need your help. The story goes that the Billings team is complaining about being mocked by a mascot (Monte) and having their scratches (reserved players) silly stringed. Head coach of the Billings Bulls Chris Hartly (who is currently suspended for not attempting to control his players during a brawl with Great Falls) is pushing for the Maulers to be fined and/or have suspension dealt. Really Hartly? Fines and/or suspension because the Bulls were mocked and silly stringed? Owner of the Maulers Michael Burks is requesting help from fans:
"The Missoula Maulers are being charged with conduct unbecoming an AWHL member. I am going to have to defend our organization from these charges and I need your help please. Every man, woman and child (employee and non-employee) that was in attendance last night that was 'silly stringed' needs to write an affidavit stating this fact."
My personal opinion? This looks like a suspended coach being a sore looser and throwing a tantrum. If you guys can help out the Maulers with these affidavits, it would be awesome. Affidavits can be sent to Mburks@missoulamaulers.com.
Maulers face the Bulls again Saturday night, so get ready for some tension!
If you are thinking about going tonight, this might make up your mind for you... It's ladies night out with the Maulers! Ladies, you get in for FREE!!! Hope to see you all there!
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