Handy Schedule of Missoula’s Memorial Day Wreath Ceremonies
Organizer Susan Campbell Reneau proudly boasts (rightfully so) that Missoula leads the nation in the number of these.
But this is not about keeping score or being the best. Suffice it to say that Missoula does an awesome job of honoring its veterans. And we simply wanted to make sure you have a comprehensive list of what is happening Memorial Day, as a guide for you to honor veterans that have gone before you and affected you in some way.
Missoula's 95th annual Memorial Day Wreath Ceremonies will commence at 7:00 a.m. and run throughout the entire day. Start times are carefully staggered in hopes that you can attend more than one should you choose to do so.
Susan tells us that all remembrances are free and open to the public. The full day's schedule of events will be distributed at the earlier ceremonies
7:00 a.m. – Western Montana State Veterans Cemetery. Military flag pole remembrance service to commemorate military veterans that committed suicide and all veterans that died in service to our nation. Words of comfort offered by Vet Clinic Director Anton Johnson. One wreath presented at base of flag display. Flags and honor and color guard. Playing of Taps at the end of service.
9:30 a.m. – VFW Post 209 Headquarters, 245 W. Main Street, Missoula. Opening prayer and send-off to American Legion Post 27 Color Guard and VFW Post 209 Honor Guard as they begin the day of wreath presentations around Missoula.
10:00 a.m. – Van Buren Street Bridge between Eastgate Shopping Center and Missoula Area Chamber of Commerce building. Tossing of wreath into Clark Fork River by Navy representative. Full military honors. Playing of Taps.
10:30 a.m. – Missoula County Courthouse. Front lawn beside World War I Doughboy Statue. Retirement of American flag. Short procession and wreath presentation at Doughboy Statue. Full military honors. Playing of Taps.
11:15 a.m. – Fort Missoula Military Cemetery. Ole Beck Grave. Presentation of wreath. Full military honors. Playing of Taps.
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Western Montana State Veterans Cemetery. Wreath presentations at each military flag and American Legion rock. Full military honors. Playing of Taps. Service starts at Noon.
1 p.m. – Sunset Memorial Gardens, Veteran’s Monument. Flag dedication and wreath presentation. Full military honors. Playing of Taps. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED HERE.
2:15 p.m. - Missoula City Cemetery, Veteran’s Monument. Wreath presentation. Full military honors. Playing of Taps.
2:30 p.m. - St. Mary’s Cemetery Annex, Jesus Statue. Presentation of wreaths. Full military honors. Playing of Taps.
3:00 p.m. - St. Mary’s Cemetery, Veteran’s Monument. Wreath presentation. Full military honors. Playing of Taps.
3:15 p.m. – Rose Memorial Garden Park. Full military honors and playing of TAPS at start of wreath presentations. Audience guided to every monument (18) in the park. Takes about 15 minutes.
4:00 p.m. – Iraq-Afghanistan War Memorial, University of Montana. Wreath presentations. Full military honors. Playing of Taps.
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