Montana One of Least Lucky States in US
Let me start by sharing with you a fun St Patrick's day joke. "Why don't you iron a four leaf clover? Because you don't want to press your luck!"
St. Patrick's day is the one day a year when everyone is Irish. The holiday is also known for being a lucky day for some. It is a day when you might consider purchasing a lottery ticket or asking your special someone the question you have been holding out on. But, how lucky can a person be? Can your level of lucky depend on where you live?
The folks at Zippia researched the data to uncover what states in the US are the luckiest places to reside.
According to Zippia, here is how they figured it out.
We examined 6 factors to find the luckiest states
- Lotto winners
- Median Income
- Low unemployment
- Average life expectancy
- Weather fatalities
- Car Accident Deaths Per 100k
We decided luck could be broken down into two broad categories: Health and finances.
Essentially, how many people in your state have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting hit by a truck. For states that don't offer the lottery, they scored substantially lower than states that do. Or, in the case of Montana, we don't have many Powerball winners compared to east coast states.
According to Zippia, Montana ranks 36th in the country with only 4 lottery winners, 78 year average life expectancy and 17 car deaths per 100k people. The top 3 luckiest states include Minnesota, New Jersey and New Hampshire.
Check out the ranking for all 50 states here.
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