Missoula Police utilized their SWAT team early Sunday morning in the apprehension of 26 year-old Missoula man accused of a fatal hit and run accident near Lowell School.
After the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, national media outlets from the ACLU to the Heritage Foundation, are questioning the 'militarization' of local law enforcement agencies.
Saturday, September 14 at about 5:00 p.m. 9-1-1 received a call from an East Missoula woman claiming that a male friend who was angry and had been drinking had a rifle and fired a shot into the air.
Public Information Officer Paige Pavalone described how the incident began...
An armed man has barricaded himself inside a home in Clinton.
Missoula County Sheriff's Department spokesman Jason Johnson says the unidentified 24 year-old man ordered his girlfriend and her parents out of the home after a domestic altercation after brandishing a handgun...
LOVED Nick Oliveri in Queens Of The Stone Age, but always knew he was a crazy sonofabitch, so I wasn't very surprised to read this morning that he got into it with the L.A. SWAT Team.