The Blaze Easter Keg Hunt 2013 – The Clues
The Blaze Easter Keg is still out there. Your shot at scoring FREE BEER FOR A YEAR, is still within your grasp. 3 clues have been handed out each day since Friday (3/22). 1 on-air, 1 online and 1 at the Bayern Brewing taproom.
The following list is the clues that have been given out so far in the quest for FREE BEER! For you dedicated Easter Keg hunters, we are leaving out the clues that have been posted at Bayern.
Clues so far....
On Air - "South of Snowbowl and East of Fred's"
Online - "46°51′45″N 114°0′42″W" (note that this is the center of a general geographic location and not coordinates to a specific location i.e. some dudes back yard)
On Air - "Walk this direction and it will get warmer before it gets colder"
Online - "4 out of 5 bank robbers head this way when running from cops"
On Air - "Hugh Hefner hasn't seen the keg anywhere around his huge house"
Online - "Clark Griswold made a 2,000 mile trip to this magical place, but
couldn't see sign of the keg or a cartoon moose."
On Air - "Some call him the Space Cowboy, but no need to look for the keg
around the creek that shares his name."
Online - "You must be High if you are looking around High Park"
Be listening at 3pm this afternoon, for another clue to the keg's location. Also find your bonus clue at the Bayern Brewing Taproom. Plus your 3rd clue will be posted at 3pm. You can find today's online clue and get the official rules of the hunt, by clicking th link below.