The Wilma Turns 100 and Needs Your Help Gathering Nostalgia
It is crazy to think that the gorgeous Wilma theater is hitting the century mark. This beautiful gem in the heart of Downtown Missoula has been standing for 100 years. Try to think back on all that has happened in 100 years. The Wilma was built during prohibition. She entertained Missoulians during the 2nd World War. She has seen countless artists perform on her stage. And, now she is gearing up to celebrate a century of entertainment.
of But, the folks at the Wilma are looking for your help digging up some of the rich history of the Wilma.
According to logjampresents.com
If you have any old Wilma memorabilia that you’d be willing to showcase (photos, posters, setlists, ticket stubs, artwork, etc), we’d love to feature it! Please take a photo of the items and send us a message here, or also feel free to post to social media and tag the Wilma (@the_wilma_theatre).
Personally, I want to see a photo of the the "dueling toilets" that were displayed in the old backstage area. Occasionally, when I found myself sneaking backstage, I would crack up at how fascinated bands were with the toilets awkwardly placed in an open room. Also, during the remodel phase years ago, many Missoulians picked up the old theater seats from the building. Maybe some of those might have some historical relevance to them. Regardless, I am sure there are some great memories of the Wilma buried in a box somewhere. If you can find them, send the Wilma crew a picture. If just may be featured in their upcoming celebration.
We've received some awesome submissions for the Wilma's 100 Year Anniversary, but we're still looking for more!
Posted by The Wilma on Wednesday, April 28, 2021
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