In the midst of the dozens of Miley Cyrus/Robin Thicke get ups I saw this week, the one where the Robin Thicke looks slick as hell and the Miley is really his bearded friend was my fav. Although I did hear reports of a very large man dressed as Miley cracking people up at Al's & Vic's.

Manicorn photo courtesy of Daniella Rybolt
Manicorn photo courtesy of Daniella Rybolt

Also enjoyed guy dressed as Hooters girl, although I've seen that one before he was rockin' it. Manicorn was funny. Naturally there were a ton of 'What Does The Fox Say' costumes and chicks dressed as sexy anything. Saw some killer kids costumes, including a robot I swear was real.

Photo courtesy of Daniella Rybolt
Photo courtesy of Daniella Rybolt

You still have a chance to strut your stuff tonight at our Grotesque Burlesque Carnival of Flesh at the Dark Horse. Did I just use the phrase "strut your stuff", who AM I?




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