Ahhh, Black Friday. Week long camping at Best Buy, pepper sprayed over cheap TVs at Walmart, fist fights for Rachel Ray cookware, what's not to love?   It's still only Friday morning and there have already been hundreds of pretty intense incidents reported about Black Friday riots. These crazy aholes have been out shopping since midnight when they should be at home nursing their hangovers (if I could manage to drag my ass off of the couch, I'd totally fist fight for an ice cold Gatorade right now...uuugh my head.)

Tossing Folks For A Cheap TV

Pepper Sprayed at Walmart - What I love about this one is that while the cops are holding down and pepper spraying a shopper, the other frenzied shoppers have their eye on the TV they are piled up on.

I can almost understand a fight over DVD players and GPS systems...

but plain white towels, really?

Annnd, a brawl in Customer Service.


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