Billings’ 5 Most Haunted Locations
It's that time of year for spooky ghost stories. Every town has its share of allegedly haunted buildings and places. Billings is no exception. In fact, it kind of seems to me that we have more than enough spooky places around town. Here are a few that you can investigate if you are looking for paranormal activity. Most of these are open to the public or offer tours.

Western Heritage Center
This former Carnegie library on Montana Avenue is said to be haunted. The Montana Paranormal Research Society filmed a segment describing the EVP voices they captured on tape. The voice repeated a number of disturbing words, including "fear." Other reports claim to have spotted a shadowy figure in the windows at night when the building is unoccupied. Learn more about the Western Heritage Center here.
Moss Mansion
I can't confirm that the Moss Mansion is haunted, but LOOK AT IT!! The building has always given me the creeps and when I drive by at night I try to glance over at the front windows. One of these days I figure I'll catch a ghostly image peeking out. The Moss always has fun events planned around Halloween. See their event calendar HERE. A buddy of mine went last year and captured a pretty interesting picture of something. Events at the Moss usually fill quickly, so don't delay on reservations.
Yellowstone Art Museum
I wasn't really aware of just how haunted the YAM is until I read this excellent article from Charity Dewing in the Billings Gazette. Holy buckets, this place sounds scary as hell. I forget that the YAM used to be the old county jail. Including the hanging room. Creepy. Tours are available, contact the YAM for details.
Daisy Dukes
I can't confirm if this building is still haunted (do ghosts ever leave?), but I have a friend who worked in the building back when it was Casey's Golden Pheasant and he swears to God it was SUPER haunted. There were places in the building that employees would not even go into. Maybe the current tenants have cleansed the building of evil spirits?
The Dude Rancher Lodge
I've heard stories of the "haunted room" at the Dude Rancher Lodge since when I first moved to Billings years ago. Around 2008-ish (faded memories) a buddy and I got to investigate the property around Halloween time. The hotel put us up in the haunted room. We set up an EVP recording rig with a laptop and a high-quality microphone. We then left the room and did some other exploring around the hotel and neighborhood (including private access to the legendary Billings underground tunnels). The next morning we reviewed our EVP recording and did hear some faint voice sounds, but couldn't make out exactly what the words were. For the life of me, I can't find the audio file I saved from our little experiment. The Dude Rancher does not offer Ghost Tours directly, but it is the starting point for the Montana Fun Adventures Downtown Haunted Places Tour. I took the tour and it's a lot of fun. Book a tour HERE.
Happy Haunting!
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