Look: Missoula Halloween House is a Decorated Destination
We're only hours into the first day of October and my daughter has already asked multiple times if we could get the Halloween decorations out of the garage today. Every time I tell her, "we'll see," she's quick to follow it up with, "if we can't do it today, can we do it this weekend?" So in the name of me keeping my sanity, I'm thinking we'll be putting up Halloween decorations before the weekend is up. But I'm good with that. It goes along with my personal rule that Halloween has to wait until October before we let it invade the household. Fall decorations are allowed in September, but it has to be October 1 before we start talking about ghosts and pumpkins.
We don't get too crazy around our place
We don't go wild when it comes to decorations. We pretty much have just enough stuff for the inside of the house to always give off the feeling that Halloween is near. But I always love when people go all out and make the outside of their house look like Halloween threw up all over it. We had the first house in the neighborhood put up their outside decorations the other night and my kids made sure we walked down the street to take a peek.
Are you a fan of touring Halloween decorations?
I saw someone post pictures of their display today as they invited the community to drive past the house and check it out throughout the month. There aren't as many options as Christmas, but it's always fun to head out as a family and see who has gone overboard on their Halloween decorations.
It sounds like this particular house decorates every year because a few people in the comments were excited to see that the decorations were back.
My partner and I always enjoy your yard when we walk by! Thanks for bringing smiles to the neighborhood. 😁😁
And the house will pretty much be decorated all the way through Easter with all of the upcoming holidays. You can stop by and check it out at 2320 W. Central Ave - off of Margaret St. and Central Ave, over near Rosauers.
You guys are awesome! Thank you for the smiles every holiday! 😊
Show us what you've got!
Do you do Halloween decorations that are worthy of visitors? Do you know anybody else that does? Send us the details and locations through our app and we can try to share the information.

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