The year was 2003, I was a part-time DJ here at 96.3 the Blaze. I had just turned 21 and had a friend drag me to a gentleman's club. I remember walking into the notorious "Fred's Lounge" near the Wye in Missoula. I vividly remember sitting down for a performance, as a dancer came out on this tiny little stage and rocked out to the Alien Ant Farm cover of the Jackson hit "Smooth Criminal." After that, I was changed forever.

The next thing I know is that I spent nearly a decade as an employee at a Gentleman's Club. DJ nightly at the one and only FOX CLUB CABARET!

During my time behind that 2-way mirror on stage, I dealt out so much energy and excitement into the walls of that bar. And I worked there so long that I used to have dreams I was haunting the building at night... Maybe I did.

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"Fred's Lounge" was filled with that type of energy for decades. Could that energy still be in the walls of the building? That is what we are here to find out.

This year's BLAZE GHOST HUNT took place this past Monday at Dancing Goat Gardens. A locally owned dispensary that inhabits the old 'Fred's Lounge.' We teamed up with a local paranormal group, Tortured Souls Investigations, for the 16th year in a row.

Dancing Goat Gardens
Dancing Goat Gardens

Scott Mathews, of Dancing Goat Gardens, shared with us claims of strange things happening at the dispensary. Are motion detectors going off after hours? Change thrown all over a freshly mopped floor? Strange balls of light in security camera footage?

Let me just say that I have never been on an investigation quite like this. For the first time in 16 years, I cannot come near to explaining what happened. Just a few minutes after we started out initial investigation, I was completely bombarded with sadness.

I am a 6-foot 2-inch man with a beard. I don't like to cry. Let me tell you, that I began crying so hard that you would have thought I just saw my dog get hit by a car. I was losing it in front of the whole team. I could not explain what was happening. As much as I don't want to share it, just listen to the following audio clip of me freaking out. Listen closely for an EVP in the clip. A "whispy" voice appears in the background that sounds like it is saying "I've Had Enough."

Now listen to another clip as you can tell when I begin to be overcome with sadness.

It took me a minute to collect myself. But, I returned to the dance floor area and rejoined the team. This time the energy was different and the room felt brighter. We conducted many other experiments, including an experiment called "The Estes Method."

According to Spirit Shack

In the method, one investigator wears a blindfold and stereo-isolation headphones (or noise-cancelling headphones) that are connected to a spirit box. These handy spirit boxes, also known as ghost boxes, quickly scan radio frequencies at a high speed. In turn, they effectively create white noise that spirits are said to manipulate in an effort to communicate.

We had employees of Dancing Goat Garden join us for the investigation. In the following clips, you will hear DGG's Max performing the Estes Method. Max is in a completely different room with noise-cancelling headphones. He only repeats what voices he hears come through the spirit box droning in his headset. Strange how he can answer questions if he can't hear us?

We also gathered audio evidence of things being moved or just strange sounds like footsteps. NOTE: You may have to turn it up a little to hear.

The Tortured Souls Investigation team is still going over video evidence from the Ghost Hunt. We cannot wait to see what they find. Stay Tuned & HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

22 Missoula Signs That Bring Back Memories

21 signs that are spread through Missoula that will bring back memories.

Gallery Credit: Chris Wolfe

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