County Attorney Expects Higher Crime Numbers for 2021 over 2020
During her weekly Friday crime report, Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst told KGVO News that the total crime numbers for 2021 will surpass those in 2020.
“We filed 13 new criminal complaints this last week, which was down from the 17 that we filed the week before that, but we're up to over 780 for the year, which is about 50 more than we filed all last year, and we've still got a couple weeks to go,” said Pabst. “So we're definitely ticking at the higher end of things.”
Pabst said family violence was at the top of her report this week, with a variety of incidents that put family members in peril.
“In one, the defendant allegedly brandished a shotgun and told his girlfriend that he would kill her,” she said. “He was also charged with intimidation. We charged four violent crimes involving non family members. One was an assault with a weapon. The allegation is the defendant brandished a large knife and threatened to harm the victim. In another we charged tampering, intimidation and assault. In that case, the defendant allegedly attacked an acquaintance and assaulted him and then there was another one where the defendant allegedly attacked a roommate and threatened him with a knife.”
In one case reported here on KGVO, Pabst said the suspect took police on an early morning high speed chase throughout Missoula, ending up at the University of Montana.
“In that case, the defendant was stopped for a traffic violation, and then allegedly fled law enforcement resulting in a 24 minute pursuit through the streets of Missoula, driving upwards of 90 miles per hour, running stop signs and stop lights, going over lawns and curbs and almost colliding with law enforcement patrol vehicles. One officer was seriously injured in the pursuit after slipping on some ice. The defendant was later tased and continued to resist arrest. In addition, meth was located in that vehicle.”
Pabst also reported another troubling incident involving children in danger.
“We charged one sexual assault case where the defendant was charged with sexual assault involving a minor as well as sexual intercourse without consent,” she said. “In the endangerment category, we charged two felony DUIs, fourth or subsequent offense. In one, the defendant allegedly rolled his SUV on Highway 12 and then fled the scene on foot. He was located later allegedly passed out on his couch soaking wet with blood all over his doorway, where he was arrested.”
Once again, Pabst said alcohol and drugs were contributing factors in a majority of the arrests.
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