Montana Mansion’s Haunted Secrets: Listen to the Audio Evidence!
We are getting closer and closer to Halloween. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, we tend to scare easily. But, are those things that go "bump" in the night really ghosts? In the paranormal research field, we call these people "skeptics." People who do everything in their power to try and explain where the sound came from. Was the "bump" an old pipe in the wall? Was it the foundation of the home settling? Every paranormal research team has to have a skeptic.
When I was first invited to be part of the local paranormal investigation team, I was a skeptic. I would do everything I could to try and explain away any claims of paranormal activity. But, it didn't take long for me to experience things that I could NOT explain. Which brings me to my experience at the Daly Mansion in Hamilton.
It all happened during the 2015 Annual Blaze Ghost Hunt. A radio promotion we do every year where we invite listeners to go on a real paranormal investigation. We secured permission to investigate the giant mansion near Hamilton. Once owned by "Copper King" Marcus Daly, the mansion has many claims of hauntings. From former servants wandering the halls, to Daly's widow. We also heard interesting claims of Marcus Daly Jr haunting the home.
According to the claims, Marcus Daly Jr died by suicide. But, the family made the suicide look like an elk hunting accident. During our investigation, I attempted to make contact with Junior. I sat in a dark room and shared elk-hunting stories. I would ask questions while using a recording device. After reviewing the audio, we could hear subtle answers whispering "yes" and "no." These are known as EVPs or (electronic voice phenomenon).
Later that night we used a "spirit box." These are simply radios that scan all the radio frequencies in a split second. Each sweep takes less than a second. So picking up a voice from the radio is nearly impossible. While asking questions during the spirit box session, we received 2 syllable answers from a voice using the same tone. When asking "Who would you like to speak to?" We would receive a reply "KC." This happened not once, but twice. Something that can not be explained.
Listen for yourself.
Did we capture a spirit? Was it the spirit of Marcus Daly Jr? Someday soon we will try to arrange another visit to the haunted mansion to see who we can find.
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