Redneck Powered Float Tube
The dog days of summer have arrived. The days are getting shorter, and you can sense fall leaves getting ready to turn. It is time to squeeze what little is left from summer, and try and fill up the cup. With more hot temperatures fin the forecast for next week, there is no better time than now to start thinking about organizing a good float trip or fishing expedition. If you dont like the rash you get from paddling your river tube like an Olympic backstroke athlete. Or, you are looking to go fishing and cant afford a boat. Than maybe you should think smarter, not harder.
One of my biggest issue with floating a tube with friends, is constantly trying to keep up with the group. That is why I always strap the cooler to my tube, so that everyone will come to me. That way the only paddling I will have to do is to stay off of the shore. And it saves me the heartache of constantly sounding like the little brother from "Christmas Story." ( Ralphie WAIT UP! C'mon Guys! Wait Up! ) If you want to step up your game this summer, and not have to work as hard, check out the latest episode of Whiskey, Weed and Women from our buddy Steve Jessup.
WARNING! Video is NSFW. (Language, Booze and Drugs) Like the title of the show didnt already hint to that.
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