I know for a fact that playing video games is one of my absolute favorite ways to spend my free time. The same is true for a lot of other Montanans. So, what is the most popular console?
We didn't see anything wrong with this ad, except that the sexy doctor doesn't have on a low cut top. Apparently everybody else hated it though. Sony posted the horny clip for the new hand held PlayStation Vita on Friday, and immediately pulled (pun intended) it after being flooded with negative comments...
The Russian block-matching puzzle game Tetris took the world by storm in the late 1980s when it was released on Nintendo's NES and Gameboy platforms. And we think we've found one of the best players around.
Sometimes you need to watch a video of an old man spazzing out while playing a first-person shooter for the first time. If this is one of those times for you, then watch this video.