Are there places you specifically avoid during the "5 o'clock drive" in Missoula? It begins about 4:30 and clears up about 6 p.m., so it's certainly nothing compared to big city afternoon traffic. But it's not just congested traffic, are there stores you refuse to visit when you know everyone else is there?

South travel on Reserve street, for sure. If you're not actually in it on a daily basis, you've seen the line of people who work in Missoula but live in the Bitterroot trying to get home every weekday afternoon. It looks like it especially sucks for those without AC in the summer. North bound sucks, but not nearly as bad. You know when north bound IS really bad, is during the noon lunch rush time. If you're going from South Reserve to North Reserve during that time, you better give yourself 30 minutes or you're gonna need your blood pressure meds.

Mullan and Reserve is always a scary time, no matter what time of day. Same for Reserve and 3rd and Russell and 3rd. Many Missoulians have gotten into accidents at these intersections.

What about the places you avoid? We all want to stop at the grocery store after work, but I feel like the congestion has eased up with so many people ordering online for pick-up. The number one place I avoid during lunch and afternoon rush? The pharmacy. I've waited in that line far too many times. I try not to do it, but sometimes those are the only times you can get there, ya know?

Where else would you say is a bit of a nightmare around town during busy hours?

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