Stop Doing This in the Pit
Maybe don’t bring a baby into a wall of death, or drive your motorcycle into the pit. But if you see either instance happening, be sure to bust out your phone and take a video.
Yep, someone actually brought a baby into a wall of death at a metal festival. It was during Greek metal band Suicidal Angels’ set at Metaldays 2017 when a parent decided to introduce their infant to the most dangerous pit tradition in history. Thankfully, the little tyke emerged without a scratch thanks to the quick actions of some responsible metalheads.
Who drives a motorcycle into a gig? This could only happen at a VFW Hall or an American Legion. After revving the f—k out of the engine and clearing the pit, this hardcore-loving biker drove right up to the stage and got a perfect view of the show. Even better, he carefully backed his ride out after getting his fill and stinking up the joint with unleaded exhaust.
Is that Party Boy in the pit? Some dude went full-on Chris Pontius at an outdoor show, ripping off a track suit to reveal his pale body obscured only by a red banana hammock. We’ve gotta show this man respect. His commitment to the bit is second to none and the balls it takes to perform a Chippendales routine in public is commendable.
See what else you maybe shouldn’t do in the pit in the Loud List below.
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