The Race is On – Watch the 2017 Undie 500 Relay at Testy Fest
The annual celebration of bovine balls happened again this year out at The Rock Creek Lodge. Each year, different crowd pleasing events take place. But, one event in particular is an annual tradition. I'm talking about the Undie 500.
For those not familiar with this drunken relay, it's simple. Teams of 2 must compete in a race of not only speed, but drinking abilities. One member of the team must steer a child's tricycle, while the other pushes it towards the finish line. Once the team makes it to one side of the track, the driver must dismount and chug a cold beer. Then the teammates switch spots and race to the finish.... only to chug one more beer.
Oh and did I mention they must do all of this while wearing a slightly clean pair of "tighty whities?"
Check out all 3 heats from this year's Undie 500 at the 2017 Testicle Festival.
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