Female Comics Take Over Missoula for ‘Standing Womb Only’ Event
I have been a big fan of stand-up comedy for much of my lifetime. I was raised on some of the greats like George Carlin, Eddie Murphy, Red Fox, Jeff Foxworthy, and great female comedians like Gilda Radner and Joan Rivers.

Male comedians like to joke that "women are not funny." That couldn't be further from the truth. I dare you to watch Melissan Mcarthy in any of her roles and not bust out laughing.
If that is not enough of a challenge, I dare you to try to sit through an evening of stand-up and skits from fabulous female comedians, and NOT crack a smile.
"Standing Womb Only" at the ZACC in Missoula on October 17th 2024.
According to the ZACC website, "Standing Womb Only" is going to be one show you won't want to miss.
Join Teresa Waldorf and six of her funny fabulous female friends for an evening of stand-up comedy, sketch comedy, zany games, song and dance as they present STANDING WOMB ONLY, Thursday, October 17th at 7:30 pm at the ZACC. Teresa has been producing and doing stand-up comedy since she turned fifty and needed to kick-start her chakra. She finds nearly everything funny and irritates a lot of people as a result.
The event features a NO HOST bar with beer, wine, cider, spiked selzer, and non-alcoholic options. Making it easy for you to get your giggle going.
Tickets for the "Standing Womb Only" event are available online now. 18+ Show. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased here.
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Gallery Credit: KC
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